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TRG 1.03 -

Update11-Jan-2024add best practices and example changelog
Active20-Feb-2023reference keep a changelog as format


Tracking changes in Open Source is critical to have a way of knowing which new features have been introduced, which bugs have been fixed, which security CVEs have been mitigated.

This helps people who are using the product, to understand which version to choose or when to upgrade.


All notable changes in the product repositories have to be added to a file. Also, a link to the Eclipse Tractus-X Changelog has to be added there.

The versioning of the product releases has to follow semantic versioning.

The product file should follow the format as described in Keep A Changelog.

Best Practices and Example

  • latest released version should be on top
  • each released version should have a separate block entry and each version should be linked to the corresponding tag
  • use the "unreleased section" to track updates to features or functions of upcoming releases
  • same kinds of changes should be grouped (e.g. changed, fixed, removed, etc.) and each change should be linked to the corresponding issue or pull request


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file see also the overarching [``]( for Tractus-X releases.

## [Unreleased]

- add API reference documentation (#issue, #pull-request)

## [v2.0.1]( (your currently released semantic version)

### Added

- support for SSI (#issue, #pull-request)

### Changed

- bump Java version (#issue, #pull-request)


### Security

- fix security CVE <number> (#issue, #pull-request)

A full example can be found on Keep A Changelog.