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TRG 1.07 - End User Manual

Draft21-Mar-2024Transferred from Release Acceptance Criteria into TRG


End user manual is essential for providing user assistance and ensuring a positive user experience. The user of the application is the recipient of this documentation. Typical contents are description of functionality, steps that guide through critical processes and screenshots.


  • The end user manual must exist if the product has a UI component
  • The end user manual must be stored in the folder: /docs/user
    • It is up-to-date for every release
    • English is a must
  • The /docs/ describes shortly what documentation is available

Best Practice

  • Favor diagrams as mermaid block in .md files directly over image files, where possible
  • Have a look to peer repositories within Tractus-X for inspiration
  • Anchor a link to your end user manual within your (see TRG 1.01)
  • Within the documentation consider role specifics of end users for better understanding
  • If your application has an UI, make the documentation available within the document