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Version: 24.05

Reference Implementation

This document describes the Reference Implementation of Agents Standard and Kit.

For more information see

High Level Architecture

Architecture High-Level

Technology Stack

  • Provider-Side Programming Language: Java > 12
    • Eclipse Dataspace Connector
    • Provider Agent: OnTop
    • Inference Agent: Fuseki
    • Function Agent: RDF4J
  • Consumer-Side Programming Language: Typescript
    • Skill Framework: React/Redux
    • Knowledge Explorer: React/Redux & Catena-X Portal
    • Skill Development Environment: React/Redux & Catena-X Portal

Sources And Artifacts

Tractus-X Knowledge Agents EDC Extensions (KA-EDC)

see the Tractus-X Repository and its KA-EDC Deployment

Tractus-X Knowledge Agents Reference Implementations (KA-RI)

see the Tractus-X Repository and its KA-RI Deployment

Tractus-X Knowledge Agents AAS Bridge (KA-AAS)

see the Tractus-X Repository and its KA-AAS Deployment

Contact & Further Reading

For more information see

(C) 2021,2024 Contributors to the Eclipse Foundation. SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0