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TRG 5.08 - Product Helm Chart



Having a single source for Helm chart makes it easier to test and deploy the product and reduces the complexity of installing backend/frontend/utility applications separately.


A "Product Helm Chart" is a released helm chart that contains all the components of a product ready to deploy. This can either be achieved by creating a single Helm chart for the product or by combining the Helm charts of the different components into a single chart using dependencies.

Product Helm Chart rules

  • name of the Chart should be just the product-name without prefix or suffix (similar to the leading product repository)
  • values file should contain all available variables (even from subcharts) with default values and comments about what they do
  • helm install command should successfully install the chart to any supported Kubernetes version cluster (without overwriting default values)
  • helm test runs without errors (see TRG 5.09 - Helm test)
  • create a single helm chart for the whole product or combine charts into a single one using dependencies feature