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TRG 2.05 - Repository metafile

Update10-Jan-2024reword the why section
Prerelease7-Mar-2023Moved out of draft
Draft24-Feb-2023Draft release


Many products are build from more than one repository. We aim to have automatic quality checks and therefore need a metadata file to identify the repositories belonging to a product.


To enable automatic analysis of repositories, all repositories MUST have a file named .tractusx present on root-level. This file needs to contain metadata about the repository and product in a YAML format. The mandatory declarations in the .tractusx metadata file do vary for leading- and non-leading repositories.

Detailed documentation on the content of the .tractusx metadata file can be found in the quality check docs.

The result of the automated repository checks depending on the .tractusx metadata file can be found on the quality checks dashboard

Example .tractusx file taken from the docs:

# Will be used on release checks dashboard etc. to refer to your product; only mandatory in the leading repo
product: "your-product-name"
# mandatory info in every repo
leadingRepository: "<your-leading-repo>"
# optional field by default it will be treated as regular product repo. Available options: "special" , "support".
repoCategory: "special"
# optional section to refer to all of your teams repositories
- name: "your-product-repo"
usage: "Main documentation and release repo for <product>"
url: "<your-leading-repo>"
- name: "your-product-library"
usage: "A library supporting <product>, that is released separately"
url: "<your-product-lib>"
# section to explicitly skip certain release guideline checks
- "/path/to/non-published/Dockerfile"