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TRG 9.01 - KITS

Draft12-Apr-2024Initial contribution


This TRG serves to maintain a consistent structure and ensure content quality for the stakeholders.

KIT means Keep It Together. A KIT contains all the artifacts that are relevant to participate in the Catena-X data space as an operator, data provider or solution / app provider. These stakeholders have one place with all the information they need. For example an explanation of an API, the specification of it and the deployment instructions. The goal of a KIT should be that you have no need to visit any other information source.

A detailed explanation can be found here: KIT General Introduction


  • A KIT must have a following semantic versioning - see TRG 1.03 -
  • A KIT must have, at minimum, an adoption view (Sandbox stage) - see KIT Maturity Levels
  • KIT artifacts must be structured according to the respective views (i.e. adoption, development, operations) - see KIT Artifacts
  • Linked documents (e.g., Catena-X standards, Whitepapers) must include the current valid version (e.g. Business Partner Number (Version 2.0.0))
  • Each KIT view (business, development, ..) must include a license notice and adhere to the CY BB 4.0 license - see TRG 7.08 - Legal notice for KIT documentation (CC-BY-4.0)
  • Images must be neutral without any branding, and displayed on a. Images need to follow a the legal notice TRG - see Legal notice for non-code
  • A KIT must indicate its maturity level (sandbox, incubating, graduated) - see KIT Maturity Levels