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Version: 24.12


Behaviour Twin KIT banner

Behaviour Twin KIT


For specific terminology in dedicated Behaviour Twin use cases, see the terminology sections within the use case section.


Catena-XAssociation, dataspace, automotive networkOpen and interoperable data ecosystem of the automotive sector, see (external link)
Tractus-XOfficial open-source project in the Catena-X data spacesee (external link)
EDCEclipse Dataspace ComponentsSet of components like the Eclipse Dataspace Connector and it's extensions
Tractus-X EDCTractus-X Eclipse Dataspace ComponentsEDC, adapted and released for the Tractus-X project
ConnectorDataspace ConnectorTractus-X Eclipse Dataspace Connector or compatible connector implementation
Connector AddressPublic API https-addressAddress of the connectors control plane for communication with other connectors
Data SpaceAll connected services and data
Operating CompanyA company that provides central services for the dataspace
BPNBusiness Partner NumberIdentifies a legal entity (participant in the data space)
Use CaseDelimited business logic and associated framework
Usage DataCollected data while a vehicle/component is usedDescribes, for example, how a component was used until now
Data OwnerThe actual owner of personal dataE.g. the driver of a vehicle, but usually not the data provider
Framework AgreementCommon contract of use case participants
PolicyUsage policy for data or servicesRefers to a Framework Agreement
ContractAutomatically negotiated contract for accessing data or services
ConsumerQueries a result from a data source or a serviceThe one who initiates the query. May process data further in his realm.
ProviderProvides data or a service
Data ProviderProvides own data from own data sourceslikely an OEM
ServiceService to process dataE.g. calculation or simulation based on internal models
Service ProviderProvides a calculation service to process result data from input dataLikely a supplier of a part or component
DelegatorDelegates data or service requestsLikely a supplier of a component that is assembled of subcomponents which are providing calculation services
Semantic VersioningVersioning scheme for softwareUsing meaningful version numbers in the format [0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+(-SNAPSHOT)? (e.g. 1.3.12, )
Component ProviderManufacturer of a componentProvides services or delegates data
VINVehicle Identification NumberA standardized number to identify a vehicle


Knowledge GraphA semantic graph, representing real dataDescribes relation between subjects and objects
Knowledge AgentComponents to operate on knowledge graphs across the dataspacesee Agents KIT
Matchmaking AgentResolves federated sub-graphs for the Knowledge AgentFits requested sub-graphs with existing graph assets
Binding AgentA component that binds instances to the knowledge graphBinds instances of data or services to the knowledge graph
Provisioning AgentBinding agent for data bindingsBinds instances of data to the knowledge graph
Remoting AgentBinding agent for service bindingsBinds instances of services to the knowledge graph
Semantic WebConcept of a machine-readable world wide web(Web 3.0)
AssetA requestable data setA formal described data set, that can be requested via EDC
Graph AssetA special type of asset that describes a graphThe graph description is written in SHACL
Shapes GraphA separate graph that defines the rules and constraints for the data. It acts like a template describing the expected structure and properties.
OntologySemantic model for concepts and in a specific domainDefines classes, properties and their relations
SkillThe overarching logic behind a use caseE.g. how to find and link data or calculation services to produce the desired result
Skill ProviderProvider of the use case logic (skill)Hosts a skill that can be executed


Catena-X Dataspace ArchitectureArchitecture defined by Catena-Xsee Tractus-X KITs
SPARQLSPARQL 1.1 Query Languagesee SPARQL on (external link)
RDFResource Description Frameworksee RDF on (external link)
ttl (Turtle)RDF 1.1 Turtlesee Turtle on (external link)
OWLWeb Ontology Languagesee OWL on (external link)
SHACLShapes Constraint Languagesee SHACL on (external link)
W3CWorld Wide Web Consortiumsee (external link)