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SIG Architecture

Focus: Document the overall architecture from Tractus-X and document Datataspace Usage Patterns. A place were Tractus-X Architects can align and document the different design decisions that affect the Tractus-X Product as a whole.


  • Define architecture guidelines for Eclipse Tractus-X products
  • Document the architecture and the relationships between the products
  • Document the design decisions of the project itself, regarding other dataspaces and organizations
  • Enable a fluid and synchronized integration of the Eclipse Tractus-X dataspace, having a big picture how it comes together.
  • Easy the understanding for external technical viewers who want to learn how Eclipse Tractus-X has been built from architectural point of view.
  • Document dataspace usage patterns to increase performance, reduce complexity and ease the adoption of the dataspace.

Repository: eclipse-tractusx/sig-architecture

Project: Tractus-X Architecture