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The Agent API is designed along the W3C SPARQL 1.1 specification. It represents the core interface of the Catena-X Knowledge Agents (CX KA) Architecture to enable federated (i.e. distributed, but independent) and sovereign (i.e. collaborative, but controlled and secured) data processing over GAIA-X/IDS dataspaces.

For that purpose, this API is used in three different functions/building blocks of CX KA:

  1. As a Consumer-facing entrypoint into the dataspace (the so-called Matchmaking Agent).
  2. As a Provider-facing callback from the dataspace into the backend (the so-called Binding Agent).
  3. As an intermediate Transfer protocol between "Sinks" representing SPARQL Remote
    Service Contexts (=sub queries/routines) and the corresponding "Sources" representing backend-bound SPARQL Graph Contexts. These Sinks and Sources are to be implemented using the EDC (Eclipse Dataspace Components) framework.

For each of these three functions, a particular "profile" of this API (here: a fragment or variant of the full-blown SPARQL 1.1 specification) is employed:

  1. The KA-MATCH profile allows to call federated SPARQL logic as stored procedures (so-called Skills) based on a rich set of meta-data (ontology)
  2. The KA-BIND profile allows to delegate non-federated and data-focussed SPARQL sub-queries by compiling them into native backend API calls (e.g. in SQL or REST).
  3. The KA-TRANSFER profile allows to wrap (and unwrap) well-defined header and protocol information from SPARQL into the generic payload of the EDC Http transfer.

This API is already designed with alternative query protocols (such as GRAPHQL or Federated SQL) in mind.


Invoke a Locally-Stored Parameterized Skill (Simple)

see the AGENT GET method specification

curl --location '${KA-MATCH}/agent?asset=urn%3Acx%3ASkill%3Aconsumer%3ALifetime&(vin=WBAAL31029PZ00001&troubleCode=P0746&troubleCode=P0745)&(vin=WBAAL31029PZ00002&troubleCode=P0744)&(vin=WBAAL31029PZ00003&troubleCode=P0743)' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic ${UuencodedUsernameColonPassword}'

Invoke a Dataspace-Stored Parameterized Skill (Flexible)

see the AGENT POST method specification

curl --location '${KA-MATCH}/agent?asset=${EDC-BUSINESSPARTNER}%23urn%3Acx%3ASkill%3Aconsumer%3ALifetime' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/sparql-results+json' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic ${UuencodedUsernameColonPassword}' \
--data '{
"head": {
"vars": [
"results": {
"bindings": [
"vin": {
"type": "literal",
"value": "WBAAL31029PZ00001"
"troubleCode": {
"type": "literal",
"value": "P0746"
"vin": {
"type": "literal",
"value": "WBAAL31029PZ00001"
"troubleCode": {
"type": "literal",
"value": "P0745"
"vin": {
"type": "literal",
"value": "WBAAL31029PZ00002"
"troubleCode": {
"type": "literal",
"value": "P0744"

Register a Parameterized Skill

see the AGENT SKILL POST method specification

curl --location '${KA-MATCH}/agent/skill?asset=urn%3Acx%3ASkill%3Aconsumer%3ALifetime' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/sparql-query' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic ${UuencodedUsernameColonPassword}' \
--data-raw 'PREFIX xsd: <>
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX cx: <>

# Catena-X Knowledge Agents Sample Federated Skill
# Realizes a 5-Step Business Process
# "Remaining Useful Life Prognosis based on Diagnosis TroubleCodes"
# Preconditions:
# - A Contract Offering from OEM (e.g. BMW) to CONSUMER (e.g. ADAC)
# - VIN-VAN Conversion
# - DTC Analysis/Resolution (including the READING of PartType and Description)
# - Serial Part & SUPPLIER Lookup
# - A Contract Offering from SUPPLIER (e.g. ZF) to OEM
# - Telematics data (including the PROPAGATION of LoadSpectrum)
# - RUL Prognosis Invocation (including the DISTRIBUTION of RUL results)

# 5. Project the actual output of the Skill on CONSUMER side
SELECT ?van ?troubleCode ?description ?affectedPart ?distanceKm ?timeDays ?vin WHERE {

# 1. The CONSUMER detects a trouble code on a car in his fleet
VALUES (?vin ?troubleCode) { ("@vin"^^xsd:string "@troubleCode"^^xsd:string) }.

# 2. The CONSUMER looks up the OEM (connector) associated to the VIN
# using the Federated Data Catalogue (Catalogue=Default Graph)
?oem cx:isIssuerOfVehicleIdentificationNumber ?vin;
cx:hasConnector ?oemConnector.

?oemConnector cx:offersAsset ?diagnoseAsset.
?diagnoseAsset rdf:type <>;
rdfs:isDefinedBy <>.

# 3. The CONSUMER delegates the following logic to the OEM (connector)
SERVICE ?oemConnector {

# 3.1 The OEM (e.g. BMW) anomyzes the VIN into an anomymous (VAN) node
#. and gets some master data with it
?van cx:isAnonymousVehicle ?vin;
cx:hasRegistration ?registration.

# 3.2 The OEM analyzes the DTC-affected part type (Diagnosis Graph)
GRAPH ?diagnoseAsset {

?Dtc rdf:type cx:DTC;
cx:Code ?troubleCode;
cx:affects [ cx:EnDenomination ?partType ];
cx:Description ?description.

} # OEM#Diagnosis context

# 3.3 The OEM obtains fresh telematics/load-spectrum data for the vehicle
# focussed to the problematic partType (Telematics Graph)
?van cx:latestMileageReceived ?mileage;
cx:latestDetailReceived ?telematicsDetail.
?telematicsDetail cx:hasPartType ?partType;
cx:hasLoadSpectrum ?loadSpectrum.

# 3.4 The OEM looks up the serialized part of the VAN (Traceability Graph)
# and the supplier address in the dataspace
?serializedPart cx:isComponentOf+ ?van;
cx:hasPartType ?partType;
cx:hasName ?affectedPart;
cx:hasSupplier [
cx:hasConnector ?tieraConnector

?tieraConnector cx:offersAsset ?prognosisAsset.
?prognosisAsset rdfs:isDefinedBy <>.

# 4. The OEM (and not the CONSUMER) delegates to the SUPPLIER (connector)
# which means that load spectrum data etc is only exchanged using their
# contract and between their connectors.
SERVICE ?tieraConnector {

# 4.1 The SUPPLIER adds additional measurement information
?telematicsDetail cx:hasFile ?loadSpectrumFile;
cx:hasHeader ?loadSpectrumHeader.

# 4.2 The SUPPLIER invokes a prognosis model associated the part type using the load-spectrum data
GRAPH ?prognosisAsset {

?invocation rdf:type cx:LifetimePrognosis;

# <--General vehicle info
cx:loadCollectiveMileage ?mileage;
cx:loadCollectiveRegistrationDate ?registration;

# <--Part Info from the OEM
cx:loadCollectiveComponent ?affectedPart;
cx:loadCollectiveBody ?loadSpectrum;

# <--Additional info from the SUPPLIER
cx:loadCollectiveFile ?loadSpectrumFile;
cx:loadCollectiveHeader ?loadSpectrumHeader;

# -->the actual prognosis output
cx:remainingDistance ?distanceKm;
cx:remainingTime ?timeDays.

} # SUPPLIER#Prognosis context

} # SUPPLIER context

} # OEM context

# now we do reporting/operationalising on the CONSUMER side
} ORDER BY ?remainingDistance LIMIT 5'

Return a Skill

see the SKILL GET method specification

Invoke an Ad-hoc Query

see the AGENT POST method specification

curl --location '${KA-BIND}/agent' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/sparql-query' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic ${UuencodedUsernameColonPassword}' \
--data-raw 'PREFIX xsd: <>
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX cx: <>

# Sample Graph Context that is Delegated/Instantiated to a Binding Agent Call
SELECT ?partType ?description WHERE {
VALUES (?troubleCode) { ("P0745"^^xsd:string) ("P0746"^^xsd:string) }.

?Dtc rdf:type cx:DTC;
cx:Code ?troubleCode;
cx:affects [ cx:EnDenomination ?partType ];
cx:Description ?description.


Upload Graph Data (Only Matchmaking Agent Standalone)

see the GRAPH POST method specification

Delete Graph Data (Only Matchmaking Agent Standalone)

see the GRAPH DELETE method specification

(C) 2021 Contributors to the Eclipse Foundation. SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0