Office Hour meeting minutes
- @SebastianBezold -> Wednesday (31.07.2024) the Catena-NG will be deleted! No more access to the consortia environment will be allowed!
- Friendly reminder from @matbmoser: copy the configuration from the consortia environment argo, so you dont loose it, for the association env;)
- @hzierer -> Most of E2E Tests are already passed! Great job everyone!
- @matbmoser -> Don't forget to document the Quality Gate tickets!
- System team is leaving in wednesday! The participants that will not act as committers please or remove yourself from the list, or contact a project lead. Thank you for you wonderful hard work!
Security team
@RoKrish14 -> TRG for truffelhog is in review!
@RoKrish14 announce that he is leaving wednesday the project! Thank you for you wonderful hard work too!
@matbmoser -> We need to start a discussion and an action plan to solve the vulnerabilities in the webpage repository. (Transfered to Committer Meeting)
Open Project Lead election for Mathias Brunkow Moser, if you are a committer please vote:
@matbmoser -> New TRG 9 for UI/UX Styleguideline compliance:!
- If you don't agree with something or want an improvement please open a PR with the changes! The Tractus-X community will support you :)
Open planning / community
- Quality Gates and E2E phase is finishing today (26.07.2024). Make sure to keep your QG tickets updated and
- @agg3fe -> The TRG checklist is outdated
- @matbmoser -> I have created a PR to update the list: