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Version: 24.08

Get business partners of type site belonging to a business partner of type legal entity, identified by the business partner's bpnl ignoring case.

Path Parameters
  • bpnl string required

    BPNL value

Query Parameters
  • page string

    Default value: 0

    Number of page to get results from

  • size string

    Possible values: <= 100

    Default value: 10

    Size of each page


The sites for the specified bpnl

  • totalElements int64

    Total number of all results in all pages

  • totalPages int32

    Total number pages

  • page int32

    Current page number

  • contentSize int32

    Number of results in the page

  • content object[]

    Collection of results in the page

  • bpns string

    A BPNS represents and uniquely identifies a site, which is where for example a production plant, a warehouse, or an office building is located.

  • name string

    The name of the site. This is not according to official registers but according to the name the owner chooses.

  • states object[]

    The list of the (temporary) states of the site.

  • validFrom date-time

    The date from which the state is valid.

  • validTo date-time

    The date until the state is valid.

  • type object

    Named type uniquely identified by its technical key

  • technicalKey string

    Possible values: [ACTIVE, INACTIVE]

    Unique key of this type for reference

  • name string

    Name or denotation of this type

  • isCatenaXMemberData boolean

    Indicates whether the site is owned and thus provided by a Catena-X Member.

  • bpnLegalEntity string

    The BPNL of the legal entity owning the site.

  • createdAt date-time

    The date when the data record has been created.

  • updatedAt date-time

    The date when the data record has been last updated.

  • confidenceCriteria object
  • sharedByOwner boolean
  • checkedByExternalDataSource boolean
  • numberOfSharingMembers int32
  • lastConfidenceCheckAt date-time
  • nextConfidenceCheckAt date-time
  • confidenceLevel int32