📄️ Returns all legal forms
Lists all currently known legal forms in a paginated result
📄️ Creates a new legal form
Create a new legal form which can be referenced by business partner records. The actual name of the legal form is free to choose and doesn't need to be unique. The technical key can be freely chosen but needs to be unique for the businessPartnerType as it is used as reference by the business partner records. A recommendation for technical keys: They should be short, descriptive and use a restricted common character set in order to ensure compatibility with older systems.
📄️ Returns all identifier types filtered by business partner type and country.
Lists all matching identifier types including validity details in a paginated result
📄️ Creates a new identifier type
Create a new identifier type (including validity details) which can be referenced by business partner records. Identifier types such as BPN or VAT determine with which kind of values a business partner can be identified with. The actual name of the identifier type is free to choose and doesn't need to be unique. The technical key can be freely chosen but needs to be unique for the businessPartnerType as it is used as reference by the business partner records. A recommendation for technical keys: They should be short, descriptive and use a restricted common character set in order to ensure compatibility with older systems.
📄️ Get all field quality rules filtered by country (specified by its ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code)
List the country specific data rules for entity fields.All fields that are not in this list are considered to be forbidden.
📄️ Get page of country subdivisions suitable for the administrativeAreaLevel1 address property
Lists all currently known country subdivisions according to ISO 3166-2 in a paginated result