This section describes the different functionalities of Trace-X application.


Scenario 1: Return assets

This section describes what happens when user lists stored assets. In this example, the user requests as built assets. The same can be done with as planned assets.

return all assets


When a user requests stored assets, Trace-X checks if the user has an adequate role ('ROLE_ADMIN', 'ROLE_SUPERVISOR', 'ROLE_USER'). If yes, then the endpoint returns a pageable result of assets.

The returned pageable result can be empty if no suitable asset has been found.

Scenario 2: Return specific assets

This section describes what happens when user searches for a specific asset. This example shows the request of one as built asset. The same can be done with as planned assets.

return specific assets


When a user requests a specific asset, Trace-X checks if the user has an adequate role ('ROLE_ADMIN', 'ROLE_SUPERVISOR', 'ROLE_USER'). If yes, then the endpoint returns a precise asset for the given assetId, if it is found.

If no asset has been found for the given ID, an AssetNotFoundException is thrown.


Receive quality notification

This sequence diagram describes the process of receiving a quality notification from another traceability partner.

business context quality investigation


As for the sending of a quality notification also for receiving of a notification EDC is used to push data from a sender to a receiver. To enable receiving a notification by a partner you need to

  • Create notification endpoint for qualitynotifications/receive

  • Create EDC assets

  • Create EDC usage policies

  • Create EDC contract definitions

Trace-X implements a functionality to create the assets and their corresponding policies in the admin panel.

With the notification asset it is possible to enable EDC contract negotiation and EDC data transfer based on access policies defined. Only if the sender is able to find the asset in the catalog offer and perform a successful contract negotiation there will be the possibility to push a notification to the specified http endpoint on the receiver side.

Send quality notification

This sequence diagram describes the process of sending a quality notification between traceability applications.

business context quality investigation send


For the notification feature EDC is used to push data from a sender to a receiver. To enable sending respective more precisely receiving a notification by a partner you need to

  • Create notification endpoint for qualitynotifications/receive

  • Create EDC assets

  • Create EDC usage policies

  • Create EDC contract definitions

Trace-X implements a functionality to create the assets and their corresponding policies in the admin panel. With the notification asset it is possible to enable EDC contract negotiation and EDC data transfer process so that the quality investigation can be pushed by the sender.

In the above UML sequence diagram the sending of quality notifications from Trace-X to a receiver (any other traceability application) is described.

Data consumption

This sequence diagram describes the process of fetching data from a DTR and the Catena-X ecosystem.

business context data consumption


Data is fetched by a Trace-X instance using Digital Twin Registry (DTR), Item Relationship Service (IRS) and Trace-X consumer EDC. For digital twins the Asset Administration Shell (AAS) standard is used. For fetching data with Trace-X, a Digital Twin Registry and an IRS instance are required. Data should represent parts, supplier and customer parts, parts tree / parts relations.

Data Provisioning

This sequence diagrams describes the process of importing data from a Trace-X dataformat

Module 1

Data will be imported by the Trace-X frontend into the Trace-X backend and will be persisted as an asset in a transient state. The raw data which is needed for the shared services (DTR / EDC) will be persisted as well.

business context data provisioning 1

Module 2

The frontend is able to select assets and publish / synchronize them with the shared services. DTR / EDC / submodel API.

business context data provisioning 2

Module 3

The backend is able to persist the data in the DTR / EDC and allows to use IRS for resolving assets.

business context data provisioning 3

Scenario 1: Receive import report

This section describes what happens when the user wants to get a report of the imported assets associated to a importJobId. In this example, the user requests an import report.

import report receive


When a user requests an import report, Trace-X checks if the user has an adequate role ('ROLE_ADMIN', 'ROLE_SUPERVISOR'). If yes, then the endpoint returns an import report to the given importJobId.

If the importJobId is not known to Trace-X, an HTTP 404 error is returned.

Scenario 2: Publish assets

This section describes user interaction when publishing assets

publish assets


When a user publishes assets, Trace-X checks if the user has an adequate role ('ROLE_ADMIN'). If yes, then the endpoint starts to publish assets to network.

Scenario 3: Publish assets - error on EDC or DTR

This section describes user interaction when publishing assets fails due to EDC or DTR error (for example when the services are unavailable).

publish assets error


When a user publishes assets, Trace-X checks if the user has an adequate role ('ROLE_ADMIN'). If yes, then the endpoint starts to publish assets to network. If any of required services are not available or return an error response upon executing, flow assets are set to ERROR state and the user can retry publishing them at any time when services are available again.

Data sovereignty

Scenario 1: Return asset contract agreements

This section describes functionality and the behavior in case a user requests contract agreements from Trace-X via the Trace-X contracts API (/contracts).

return all contracts


In case a user requests contract agreements, Trace-X checks if the user has required roles ('ROLE_ADMIN', 'ROLE_SUPERVISOR'). If yes, then the requested assets will be mapped to the related contract agreement id. These contract agreement ids will be then requested on EDC side via POST (/management/v2/contractagreements/request) and GET (/management/v2/contractagreements/{ContractAgreementId}/negotiation) to get the relevant information.

The contract information is then returned by the endpoint as a pageable result.

If no asset ids are provided in the request, 50 contract agreement ids are handled by default.



Scenario 1: Startup interaction with the IRS policy store

The Trace-X instance defines a constraint which is required for data consumption and provisioning. Trace-X retrieves all policies by IRS and validates if one of the policies contains the required constraint given by Trace-X. If a policy with the constraint exists and is valid, the process ends. If the policy is not valid, it will create one with the given constraint.

This sequence diagram describes the process of retrieving or creating policies within the IRS policy store based on the constraint given by Trace-X.

policy startup configuration

Scenario 2: Startup interaction with EDC

The Trace-X instance uses the policy which includes the defined constraint and transforms it into a valid EDC policy request. The EDC policy request will be used for creating a policy for the required notification contracts.

This sequence diagram describes the process of retrieving the correct policy by IRS policy store based on the constraint given by Trace-X and reuses it for creating an EDC policy.

policy startup notification contract

Scenario 3: Provisioning of notifications

The Trace-X instance uses the policy which includes the defined constraint and reuses it for validation of catalog offers by the receiver EDC.

This sequence diagram describes the process of how the policy with the defined constraint will be used for validation of the catalog offers from the receiver EDC.

policy notifications

Scenario 4: Provisioning of assets

The Trace-X instance uses the policy which includes the defined constraint and reuses it for creating EDC assets.

This sequence diagram describes the process of how the policy with the defined constraint will be reused for registering EDC data assets.

policy assets


An overview of the scheduler tasks configured in the system.

Scheduler name Execution interval Description


Every hour at 30min

Publishes assets in IN_SYNCHRONIZATION state to core services. The process combines 'as-built' and 'as-planned' assets and initiates their publication for synchronization in the traceability system.


Every 2 hours

Invokes the synchronization of asset shell descriptors with the decentralized registry. It ensures the latest asset information is fetched and updated in the system from external sources.