This section includes concrete quality scenarios to better capture the key quality objectives but also other required quality attributes.

Quality tree

The tree structure provides an overview for a sometimes large number of quality requirements.

business context 2

Quality scenarios

The initial letters of the scenario identifiers (IDs) in the following table each stand for the higher-level quality characteristic. For example M for maintainability. These identifiers are also used in the quality tree. The scenarios cannot always be clearly assigned to a characteristic. Therefore, they sometimes appear more than once in the quality tree.

ID Scenario


A developer with basic knowledge of the traceability use case looks for an introduction to the traceability architecture. He or she gets the idea of essential design very fast.


A senior developer looks for a reference implementation of the traceability use case functionalities. He or she gets it within the source code.


A developer wants to implement new features. He or she is able to add it to the source code easily.


A developer wants to implement a new frontend or change some components. The efforts can be reduced by using the standardized API endpoints to do so.


A user wants to switch from FOSS application to a COTS application or the other way round. This is possible since the application is interoperable with other applications within the CX network.


The application uses the Catena-X standards to ensure the correct interoperability and exchange with other participants.


An OEM or tier n supplier needs more information regarding specific parts. He can mark the parts in question and send a top-down notification (quality investigation) to the next entity / the partner.


A company wants to have more transparency and a visualized status of the supply / value chain. By using the application they are enabled to work with the structures and enable new features / functionalities.


Notifications are sent using the EDC to ensure interoperability and reliability to the CX network.


Notifications between traceability apps need to be send out and received within a specified timeframe to minimize the negative impact of e.g. recalled serialized products/batches on the value chain.