Technical constraints

Name Description


Trace-X must use the EDC together with Catena-X approved data models to guarantee interoperability between participants.

Data sovereignty

Data owners and data consumers have to use usage policies for offering, consuming and therefore transferring data.

Kubernetes for container orchestration

Catena-X requires the application to run in a Kubernetes environment, deployed via Helm charts.

Catena-X UUX guidance (CX style guide)

The frontend of Trace-X follows Catena-X-wide UUX consistency according to the CX style guide.

Organizational constraints

Name Description


Start of development in July 2022. Further development in alignment with the foundation of the Catena-X Automotive Network e.V. requirements and timeline.

Process model

Iterative and incremental. The SAFe framework is used to align with Catena-X services, prerequisites, components and requirements to be Catena-X compatible.

Catena-X services / requirements

Trace-X needs to be Catena-X compliant and the application has to follow the CX standards as well as interact with the core services and components.

Release as open source

The source code - at least partially - is made available as open source and can be found in Github Catena-X ng as well as in Eclipse Tractus-X.

Technology Readiness Level (TRL) for products developed within the CX consortia

As Trace-X is a reference implementation, the Technology Readiness Level (TRL) must not be above TRL 8.

Political constraints

Name Description

Open source

FOSS licenses approved by the Eclipse foundation have to be used.

Development conventions

Name Description

Architecture documentation

Architectural documentation of Trace-X reference application in arc42-template terminology and structure.


The project language is English to ensure the best possible accessibility for all participants. Therefore, classes, methods etc. are named in English and the documentation is written in English.

Test coverage

More than 80% of the complete source code has to be test covered.