This work is licensed under the [Apache-2.0](
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Licence Path:
Copyright (c) 2021,2022,2023, 2024 Contributors to the Eclipse Foundation
Copyright (c) 2022, 2023 ZF Friedrichshafen AG
Copyright (c) 2022 ISTOS GmbH
Copyright (c) 2022, 2023, 2024 Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft (BMW AG)
Copyright (c) 2022,2023 BOSCH AG
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System overview
The deployment contains the components required to connect Trace-X to an existing Catena-X network. This includes:
Trace-X frontend
Trace-X backend
Optionally these components can be installed using the Trace-X backend Helm chart as well:
PostgreSQL for Trace-X backend
pgAdmin 4
EDC consumer
Everything else needs to be provided externally.
Failed to generate image: PlantUML preprocessing failed: [From <input> (line 2) ] @startuml Unresolved directive in system-overview.adoc - include::../../uml-diagrams/arc42/deployment-view/level-0-int.puml[] ^^^^^ Syntax Error? Unresolved directive in system-overview.adoc - include::../../uml-diagrams/arc42/deployment-view/level-0-int.puml[]
Rights and role matrix of Trace-X
Currently, Trace-X API handles three roles: 'User' and 'Supervisor' and 'Admin':
Category |
Action |
User |
Supervisor |
Admin |
View |
View Dashboard |
x |
x |
x |
View Parts |
x |
x |
x |
View Quality notifications |
x |
x |
x |
View Administration panel |
x |
Quality notification |
Create |
x |
x |
Edit |
x |
x |
Send (Approve) |
x |
Read |
x |
x |
x |
Cancel |
x |
x |
Acknowledge |
x |
x |
Accept |
x |
x |
Decline |
x |
x |
Close |
x |
Administration panel |
Access "BPN EDC config panel" |
x |
Access "Registry lookup panel" |
x |
Access "Data import interface" |
x |
The Trace-X Helm repository can be found here:
Use the latest release of the "trace-x-helm" chart. It contains all required dependencies.
Supply the required configuration properties (see chapter Configuration) in a values.yaml file or override the settings directly.
Deployment using Helm
Add the Trace-X Helm repository:
$ helm repo add traceability-foss
Then install the Helm chart into your cluster:
$ helm install -f your-values.yaml traceability-foss traceability-foss/traceability-foss
Dependent values
Following values need to match in order for application to start and have a valid PostgreSQL connection:
password: # database password
password: # database password
Deployment using ArgoCD
Create a new Helm chart and use Trace-X as a dependency.
- name: traceability-foss
alias: traceability-foss
version: x.x.x
repository: ""
Then provide your configuration as the values.yaml of that chart.
Create a new application in ArgoCD and point it to your repository / Helm chart folder.
Frontend configuration
Take the following template and adjust the configuration parameters (<placeholders> mark the relevant spots). You can define the URLs as well as most of the secrets yourself.
The OAuth2, Vault configuration / secrets depend on your setup and might need to be provided externally.
Helm configuration Trace-X frontend (values.yaml)
Values explained
Enables <true> or disables <false> the ingress proxy for the frontend app.
The class name of the ingress proxy. E.g. nginx
Annotation for the ingress. E.g. letsencrypt-prod
The hostname of the app.
The TLS settings of the app.
Following Tractus-X Helm Best Practices
Following Tractus-X Helm Best Practices
Backend configuration
Take the following template and adjust the configuration parameters (<placeholders> mark the relevant spots). You can define the URLs as well as most of the secrets yourself.
The OAuth2, Vault configuration / secrets depend on your setup and might need to be provided externally.
Helm configuration Trace-X backend (values.yaml)
Values explained
The profiles for the different supported environments to bootstrap the resources which are required for the respective environment.
Springprofile | Description |
dev |
Development environment |
int |
Integration environment |
Enables <true> or disables <false> livenessProbe and readinessProbe
BPN (Business Partner Number) for the traceability app used to identify the partner in the network.
The jdbc connection string to the database. jdbc:postgresql://${url}:${port}/trace
The username of the datasource e.g. "trace".
The password of the datasource or the path to the vault which contains the secret. <path:../data/int/database#tracePassword>
Client ID for OAuth2 (Keycloak). Request this from your Keycloak operator.
Client secret for OAuth2. Request this from your OAuth2 operator.
The URL of the Keycloak token API. Used by Trace-X for token creation to authenticate with other services.
The URL of the Keycloak JWK Set. Used by Trace-X to validate tokens when Trace-X API is called.
The client which is used to authenticate the backend.
The EDC api key or the path to the secret inside a vault. E.g. <path:../data/int/edc/controlplane#edc.api.control.auth.apikey.value>
Enables <true> or disables <false> the PostgresSQL database.
Database password for the postgres user or the path to the secret inside a vault. <path:…/data/int/database#password>
Database password for the application user of the path to the secret inside a vault. <path:…/data/int/database#password>
The name of the database instance.
The user for the database instance.
Enables <true> or disables <false> the Prometheus instance.
Enables <true> or disables <false> the Grafana instance used for resource and application monitoring.
Enables <true> or disables <false> IRS helm charts.
Enables <true> or disables <false> pgAdmin 4 console for the PostgreSQL database instance.
Enables <true> or disables <false> a K8S Ingress for the pgAdmin 4 console.
Portal configuration
The following process is required to successfully connect to the portal:
Company registration with BPN and company name
User registration with e-mail
Get e-mail to reset your password
Reset the password and log in
Make sure your user has the role 'App Management'
Navigate to 'App Overview'
Create app
Choose a selection of managed roles which is necessary (currently: BPDM, Dataspace Discovery, Semantic Model Management, Identity Wallet Management)
Wait for app approval by the portal team
Subscribe to the app
As app creator navigate to subscription management and click on configure
Add the frontend url of the application and click approve
Save technical user and secret
Navigate to 'Register Connector'
Add managed connector
Select existing technical user (from app subscription)
Enter name "EDC Provider A"
Enter base url of control plane (EDC)
Go to other company which wants to participate (subscribe)
Login and navigate to app overview
Search for the created app
Subscribe to the app
Go to the app creator company
Navigate to the inbox of the portal
Click on the link to give approval for the company which wants to subscribe
Enter name "EDC Provider B"
Enter base url of control plane (EDC)
Make sure to populate the new client id, secrets and app id within Trace-X for each company to let it run properly with the new portal configuration.
Company registration
Additional info
Each instance of Trace-X reflects an own company, which is associated with one BPN.
User registration
Additional info
The user registration is a self-service. Each user can have one or multiple Trace-X roles assigned.
Connector registration
Additional info
A connector in the context of Trace-X is a Eclipse-Dataspace-Connector. This connector needs to be configured by the public control plane URL.
App registration
Additional info
A connector in the context of trace-x is a Eclipse-Dataspace-Connector. This connector needs to be configured by the public control plane URL.
Create app subscription
Additional info
An app subscription is necessary to be able to set up a frontend url which will be authorized through Keycloak and accessible with the portal.
Activate App subscription
Additional info
The app subscription needs to be activated from all instances which want to participate in the Trace-X use case.
Retrieve wallet configuration
Coming soon…