This section describes what happens when user creates an ess job.

Register an Ess-Investigation Job

ess topdown order job
Step Actor Action Details



Sends a POST request to /ess/bpn/investigations

Includes JSON payload with parameters such as "bomLifecycle," "callbackUrl," "incidentBpns," and "key" containing "bpn" and "globalAssetId."



Registers an IRS ess incident job

Initiates the registration of an IRS ess incident job based on the received request.


IRS, DiscoveryFinder, EDCDiscoveryService, EDC, dDTR

Look up shells for the given globalAssetId

Conducts a lookup and retrieves AAS (Asset Administration Shell) for the specified globalAssetId.


IRS → SubmodelServer

Sends a GET request for SingleLevelBomAsPlanned

Initiates a request to the SubmodelServer for the SingleLevelBomAsPlanned.


SubmodelServer → IRS

Receives SingleLevelBomAsPlanned

Sends back the SingleLevelBomAsPlanned data to the IRS.



Extracts childCXIds from SingleLevelBomAsPlanned

Processes and extracts childCXIds from the received SingleLevelBomAsPlanned.


Loop (for each childCXId)

IRS, DiscoveryFinder, EDCDiscoveryService

Get EDC endpoint for Tier1, Retrieves the EDC endpoint for Tier1 based on the childCXId.


IRS, EDCTier1, dDTRTier1

Look up shells for the given globalAssetId

Conducts a lookup and retrieves AAS for the specified globalAssetId in Tier1.


IRS → SubmodelServer

Sends a request to get PartAsPlanned

Initiates a request to the SubmodelServer to get PartAsPlanned.


SubmodelServer ← IRS

Receives PartAsPlanned

Gets PartAsPlanned data from the SubmodelServer.



Validity Check on PartAsPlanned validityPeriod

Checks the validity period of PartAsPlanned.


IRS → SubmodelServer

Sends a GET request for PartSiteInformationAsPlanned

Requests PartSiteInformationAsPlanned from the SubmodelServer.



Extracts catenaXsiteId from PartSiteInformationAsPlanned

Processes and extracts catenaXsiteId from PartSiteInformationAsPlanned.



Matches "incidentBpns" and catenaXsiteId

Checks for a match between "incidentBpns" and catenaXsiteId.



Detects the supplyChainImpacted on the first tier level

Identifies the supply chain impacted on the first tier level and provides information.


Requestor ← IRS

Responds part-chain infected

Receives the response indicating the part-chain infection.



Continues the loop

Continues the loop for the remaining childCXIds.


Loop (end)


Loop completion