This chapter gives you an overview about the goals of the service, in which context the service runs and which stakeholders are involved.

Requirements overview

What is the Item Relationship Service?

The IRS is a:

  • Functional federated component

  • API endpoint to retrieve the tree structures in a recursive way, which data assets are distributed throughout the Catena-X network

  • Reference implementation

  • Data chain provider

Substantial Features

  • provide a top-down BoM asBuilt tree structure along the submodel "SingleLevelBomAsBuilt"

  • usage of EDC consumer for communicating with the Catena-X network

  • functionality of IRS provider will be handled by providers submodel servers

  • federated IRS service

  • 'asBuild' BoM of serialized components

  • provides endpoints for submodel-descriptors

  • start recursive Environmental and Social Standard investigations throughout the network based on the "asPlanned" lifecycle

Quality goals

The following table entries define overall IRS quality goals. The order of the topics do not resolve in a priority of the quality goals.
Quality goal Motivation and description

running reference application

The IRS is built to traverse a distributed data chain across the automotive Industry. The goal for the IRS release 1 scope is to build a running solution to test the functionality of building a BoM as built of serialized components.

multiple async job orchestration

The IRS is built to access multiple endpoints parallel. Since the for the Endpoint it is not clear yet how long a request will take to respond. The Service is built to handle multiple asynchronous requests.

cloud agnostic solution

The IRS is built as reference architecture and able to run on different cloud solutions. It uses helm charts, terraform and a abstracts the storage, so that it can easily be integrated on different systems.

base security measures

The IRS is built with a base set of security features.

application reliability

The IRS architecture is set up so that the costumers can rely on reliable data chains