The deployment view shows the IRS application on ArgoCD, which is a continuous delivery tool for Kubernetes. Kubernetes manifests are specified using Helm charts. Helm is a package manager for Kubernetes. IRS is developed in a cloud-agnostic manner, so the application could be installed in any cloud infrastructure (on-premises, hybrid, or public cloud infrastructure).

deployment view


Manual preparation is required to initially set up the ArgoCD apps and the credentials in the HashiCorp Vault. This is done by the IRS system operator.


Argo CD is a declarative, GitOps continuous delivery tool for Kubernetes. See


HashiCorp Vault stores credentials, which are picked up by ArgoCD to deploy them to the application.

Every secret information needed at runtime must be stored here and must never be part of the IRS Helm charts


GitHub contains the application source code as well as the Helm charts used for deployment. The IRS Helm charts can be found here:

Docker Hub

When the IRS is built by GitHub Action workflows, the final image is pushed to Docker Hub, where it can be picked up for deployment.


The kubernetes cluster manages the underlying hardware that is used to run the applications defined in the Helm charts.

Local deployment

For information on how to run the application locally, please check the README documentation in GitHub:

View Levels

Level 0 - Cluster overview

Isolated environment

The isolated environment contains the IRS as well as all surrounding services.


Development environment

The development environment contains the IRS as well as the essential surrounding services, excluding the external IAM.


Integrated environment

The integrated environment contains the IRS and is integrated with the rest of the Catena-X network.


Level 1 - IRS application

This section focuses only on the IRS itself, detached from its neighbors. It shows the resources deployed in Kubernetes for the IRS.

irs resources


This is the actual IRS Docker image which runs as a container. The ports are only available internally and can be opened up with the Service.


The secret information (e.g. connection credentials) is stored here and provided to the Pod at runtime.


The service resource opens up selected ports of the Pod so that other applications in the same cluster can access it or to be used by the Ingress.


The ingress uses a reverse proxy to provide specified Service ports to the internet under a specified URL. This make the IRS API publicly available.