This document provides an overview of the API endpoints, their supported HTTP methods, visibility status, and the reasons for their current or future public accessibility.

Table of Contents

ESS Endpoints


POST /ess/bpn/investigations

Description: Create new investigations for a Business Partner Number (BPN).

  • Visibility:

    • Current: Public

    • Future: Public

Reason for visibility: Is accessed from other instances.

GET /ess/bpn/investigations/{id}

Description: Retrieve a specific investigation by ID.

  • Visibility:

    • Current: Public

    • Future: Public

Reason for visibility: Is accessed from other instances.


POST /ess/notification/receive

Description: Receive notifications from other instances.

  • Visibility:

    • Current: Public

    • Future: Public

Reason for visibility: Is accessed from other instances.

IRS Endpoints

Aspect Models

GET /irs/aspectmodels

Description: Retrieve a list of aspect models.

  • Visibility:

    • Current: Public

    • Future: Public

Reason for visibility: Is accessed from other instances.


GET /irs/Jobs

Description: Retrieve a list of jobs.

  • Visibility:

    • Current: Public

    • Future: Public

Reason for visibility: Is accessed from other instances.

POST /irs/Jobs

Description: Create a new job.

  • Visibility:

    • Current: Public

    • Future: Public

Reason for visibility: Is accessed from other instances.

GET /irs/jobs/{id}

Description: Retrieve a specific job by ID.

  • Visibility:

    • Current: Public

    • Future: Public

Reason for visibility: Is accessed from other instances.

PUT /irs/jobs/{id}

Description: Update a specific job by ID.

  • Visibility:

    • Current: Public

    • Future: Public

Reason for visibility: Is accessed from other instances.


POST /irs/ess/orders

Description: Create ESS orders in IRS.

  • Visibility:

    • Current: Public

    • Future: Public

Reason for visibility: Is accessed from other instances.

POST /irs/orders

Description: Create new orders.

  • Visibility:

    • Current: Public

    • Future: Public

Reason for visibility: Is accessed from other instances.

GET /irs/orders/{orderId}

Description: Retrieve a specific order by ID.

  • Visibility:

    • Current: Public

    • Future: Public

Reason for visibility: Is accessed from other instances.

PUT /irs/orders/{orderId}

Description: Update a specific order by ID.

  • Visibility:

    • Current: Public

    • Future: Public

Reason for visibility: Is accessed from other instances.

GET /irs/orders/{orderId}/batches/{batchId}

Description: Retrieve a specific batch within an order.

  • Visibility:

    • Current: Public

    • Future: Public

Reason for visibility: Is accessed from other instances.


GET /irs/policies

Description: Retrieve a list of policies.

  • Visibility:

    • Current: Public

    • Future: Public

Reason for visibility: Is accessed from other instances.

PUT /irs/policies

Description: Update existing policies.

  • Visibility:

    • Current: Public

    • Future: Public

Reason for visibility: Is accessed from other instances.

POST /irs/policies

Description: Create new policies.

  • Visibility:

    • Current: Public

    • Future: Public

Reason for visibility: Is accessed from other instances.

GET /irs/policies/attributes/{field}

Description: Retrieve policy attributes for a specific field.

  • Visibility:

    • Current: Public

    • Future: Public

Reason for visibility: Is accessed from other instances.

GET /irs/policies/paged

Description: Retrieve policies with pagination.

  • Visibility:

    • Current: Public

    • Future: Public

Reason for visibility: Is accessed from other instances.

DELETE /irs/policies/{policyId}

Description: Delete a specific policy by ID.

  • Visibility:

    • Current: Public

    • Future: Public

Reason for visibility: Is accessed from other instances.

DELETE /irs/policies/{policyId}/bpnl/{bpnl}

Description: Delete a policy’s BPNL association.

  • Visibility:

    • Current: Public

    • Future: Public

Reason for visibility: Is accessed from other instances.