A decentral lightweight, plug and play data provision & consumption orchestrator of the:
It gives you the DATASPACE KICKSTART you need to adopt the Tractus-X Technology Stack, once you are onboarded to the operative data space.
Additional Services:
It also will allow you to extend the “frontend”, “backend” and a Tractus-X SDK to support different use cases. Allowing you to create “ready to use” KIT toolboxes with personalized visualization for every Standard Catena-X Data Model.
This application is a reference implementation from the Industry Core and aims to offer a implementation for integrating this Catena-X Standards:
The Industry Core Hub is an plug-and-play application that allows use cases to build their logic without needing to understand in detail how the basic dataspace components (EDC, AAS/Digital Twin Registry, Submodel Server/Any Data Source) work.
This application is built taking into consideration the best practices and standards of Catena-X Industry Core and Dataspace experts. It aims to create a real speedway for use cases. Allowing applications to be developed in less than two weeks.
An application that allows you to provide and consumer data from your partners using the Catena-X Dataspace. This open source solution can be integrated into your business applications, open source applications and many other components.
Building on a strong, scalable and fundamented foundation by Experts, and with the aim of reducing the complexity of a dataspace for the external constumer, like SMEs that want to be compatible with Catena-X, Factory-X, and many other dataspaces.
February 3 2025 R25.06 R25.09 R25.12
Kickoff MVP Stable NEXT 2026 -> Beyond
| ------------------> | ----------------> | -----------> | ----------------> |
Data Provision Data Consumption IC-HUB + KIT Use Cases
Orchestrator Orchestrator + Integrate First
Use Case (e.g. DPP)
Proving the same “motor” of implementation for infinite add-ons of use cases that can build over the industry core standards. We provide the “technology” enablement, so you can orchestrate your use case in the best way, providing personalized views for your “Data Models” and also features for your use cases which were not originally included in the “open source” development, allowing you to sell specific extention views and features in the Catena-X marketplace.
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This work is licensed under the CC-BY-4.0.