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Version: 24.08


Mitigate the bullwhip effect in your supply chain by identifying potential shortages earlier

Verify the demands and capacities of actual production plan from today up to a few weeks

The Predictive Unit Real-Time Information System (PURIS) KIT provides the capabilities to exchange the production related information within a given relationship between two business partners such as the already available stock of the supplier, the updating stock of the customer, the customer's demand and the supplier's fulfillment status of an order. The aim is to help mitigate potential and actual shortage scenarios.

PURIS is the second of two components of the Demand and Capacity Management as approached by the Resiliency Kit:

  1. A planning component forecasting its demands and capacities for the next months up to multiple years.
  2. An operationalization component verifying the demands and capacities of its actual production plan from today up to multiple weeks.

See Status Quo below for more details on Demand and Capacity Management.

The PURIS Kit is continuously under development and future extensions and improvements will help you to adopt or extend functionality even faster.

Connect once to interact with all your partners

By leveraging the standardized APIs you avoid point-to-point integrations.

Increase flexibility with easy access and exchange of up-to-date information

Low effort to exchange the latest updated information with your partners through formalized approach.

Leverage Catena-X built-in data sovereignty

Decide the access and usage conditions for the exchanged data in a compliant way

Status Quo

Within the Business Domain Resiliency, the Demand and Capacity Management (DCM) represents the planning and the PURIS represents the operationalization component. Considering a shorter time period in PURIS based on the production plan, results in more reliable information.

Generally, the Demand and Capacity Management needs a close cooperation between a company and its partners with the supply chain.

Within the value chain, each partner needs to plan his own production and relies on his customers' demand forecasts. The bullwhip effect describes the rising amplified deviation between orders to suppliers and sales to buyers along the value chain. The fluctuation rises from tier to tier. Using the latest production related information, you can mitigate the bullwhip effect for you and your partners within the value chain.

  • As a customer, you can verify the production related information of your partner so that you can identify potential shortages earlier with less effort and mitigate or resolve them spending less resources.
  • As a supplier, you can increase your production efficiency, e.g. by optimizing your batch size based on your customers' latest demands.