
Installation Steps:

Helm charts are provided inside

1.) Using helm:
helm install ReleaseName ChartName

a.) Add helm repository in tractusx:
       helm repo add dataex
b.) To search the specific repo in helm repositories 
       helm search repo dataex/data-exchange
c.) To install using helm command:  
       helm install dataex dataex/data-exchange

2.) Local installation:

a.) git clone
b.) Modify values file according to your requirement
c.) You need to define the secrets as well in values.yaml
      edchostname:  -> EDC connector Hostname 
      edcapikeyheader:   -> Header for EDC
      edcapikey:   -> key for EDC API
      e2edetsurl:  -> End to end data exchange service URL

d.) These secrets should be defined in Hashicorp vault
e.) Deploy in a kubernetes cluster
    helm install data-exchange charts/data-exchange/ -n NameSpace